英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block No.2
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing - Test method for mechanical and electrical equipment with infrared thermography
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing - Test method for pulsed eddy current testing
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing - Test method for ultrasonic guided wave testing based on magnetostrictive effects
英文標準名稱:Thermostatic baths and circulators - Heated circulators
英文標準名稱:Specifications for climatic chambers for biological applications
英文標準名稱:Specifications for refrigerated incubators
英文標準名稱:Thermostatic baths and circulators - Heated liquid baths
英文標準名稱:Reliability testing - Part 2: Design of test cycles
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