英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Test method for measuring the maximum detectable steel thickness by industrial computed tomography(CT)
英文標準名稱:Maturity testing for electric and electronic products
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Phantom of maximum detectable steel thickness for industrial computed tomography(CT)
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Crack phantom for industrial computed tomography (CT) testing
英文標準名稱:Granular materials—Physical properties—Part 3: Fluidity index
英文標準名稱:Granular materials—Physical properties—Part 2: Determination of tap density
英文標準名稱:Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test Ec:Rough handling shocks,primarily for equipment—type specimens
英文標準名稱:Environmental testing—Part 2:Test motheds—Test Fx and guidance:Mulit input mulit output vibration test
英文標準名稱:Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test and guidance:Dust and sand test for large specimen
英文標準名稱:Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test Fh:Vibration, broadband random and guidance
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Copyright ? 北京中科光析科學技術研究所 | 京ICP備15067471號-16