英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Image quality of radiographs—Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness and basic spatial resolution value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Image quality of radiographs—Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Image quality of radiographs—Part 3:Image quality classes
中文標準名稱:無損檢測 射線照相檢測圖像質量 第2部分:階梯孔型像質計像質值的測定 英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing—Image quality of radiographs—Part 2:Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators
英文標準名稱:Environmental testing—Part 2:Tests and guidance—Combined climatic(temperature/humidity)and dynamic(vibration/shock) tests
英文標準名稱:Electrical insulating materials—Thermal endurance properties—Part 10: Accelerated determination of relative thermal endurance using analytical test methods(RTEA)—Instructions for calculation based on activation energy
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing instruments—Testing methods for life of X-ray tubes
英文標準名稱:Non-destructive testing instruments—Technical specifications of X-ray real-time imaging system for automobile wheel
英文標準名稱:General specification for air ion measuring instruments
英文標準名稱:Colloidal systems—Methods for zeta-potential determination—Part 2:Optical methods
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Copyright ? 北京中科光析科學技術研究所 | 京ICP備15067471號-16